27 December 2018

disgrace on the wing, disgrace on the ground, disgrace everywhere

He also said we've been "suckers." So, he's telling the men and women who have lost comrades in the field that they died for a country whose policies made us - and them - suckers. How's that for a morale-builder? How's that for respecting our troops and former commanders-in-chief? It's disgraceful, that's how it is.
I imagine my parents on active duty, here and in Southeast Asia, being visited by Truman, and being told that FDR's policies made us suckers. It physically sickens me just to imagine it.Never in our history has such disrespect happened. It is disgusting.
No other president has politicized his visits to troops on the ground. I hope this does not become the new normal. It's awful.

1 comment:

PJ said...

Completely agree! DISGRACE