The Olympics are underway. The Ravelympics are underway. Although I signed up for Team Obama and the Shawl Relay, I did so to support to Obama, and to knit a Peace Shawl. The shawl will be my mindfulness exercise for the duration of the Olympics, and beyond. Needless to say, I have not watched, I will not watch.
I wish all of the athletes well, but I will not watch.
(Am I surprised that our president has attended events as if he were at the World Series,and the only controversy was a fair or foul ball? Do you have to ask? If you don't believe me, if you think I'm exaggerating, click here.)
I was horrified when China was awarded the Olympics, and I've become beyond-horrified as events have proven how unworthy China is to be so honored.
Mia Farrow is webcasting alternative Olympics from Darfur, bringing attention to China's support of the Sudan-backed genocide in Darfur. You can read about it at the Huffington Post, here. The sentient world is aware of the horror in Tibet, but the connection between China and Darfur is not as well-known.
- "The Olympic Games should be cause for celebration ... the decision to hold the games in Beijing is beyond comprehension," she said. "With China underwriting the suffering in Darfur and hosting the Olympic games at home, there is an incongruity that everyone attending the game, participating in the games and covering the games can't ignore." (Mia Farrow)
The idea of a peace shawl as a mindfulness project is a good one. I think I would like to make one but I have to finish some obligation knitting for a client first. I guess at this point, nothing the president says or does is surprising, is it? (unless he says the word nuclear correctly, that would be surprising)
The peace shawl is a beautiful pattern - please show us some pictures as you go along!
Poor Georgie - this a.m. on the news, he seemed so distressed that we couldn't "participate" in the Russia-Georgia conflict ...
I agree completely. I was horrified & disgusted when they were awarded the Olympics and those feelings have only grown. Pick a political issue--there are so many reasons to be disgusted. Add on the terrible pollution and asking these athletes to cycle or run a marathon in such conditions. Add in the obvious lack of security and how quickly that became evident. Add in the lockdown on the press and what they can view, photograph, and discuss. It all makes me sick. I'm not watching, either. I'm sure NBC doesn't care, but it's my own small way of saying, "This is wrong."
I TOTALLY agree!!!!! Is this what we do as people?? Award behavior such as their with economic security, worldwide attention, allowances of censorship??? UGH.........the whole thing makes me friggin SICK!!!! I refuse to watch also, and I usually enjoy watching the competitions but not this time. I refuse to show my support for such an entity. We went to our local coffee shop in a town FULL of local artisans and the pottery they were selling was from China. I was NOT pleased. They will be hearing about that.
I absolutely agree with you 100%. But I wonder, not as a contrary view but because I really truly am ignorant about a lot of foreign policy, isn't it possible that this connection to the wider world might be a positive influence on the country? I read occasionally that the next big "thread" to the US will be China, and I sometimes feel that the Olympics is a place where we can connect--people to people and not government to government--to create bonds that will make a more peaceful future rather than the opposite. I still feel so very bitter about the missed opportunities in the aftermath of 9/11, the help the US could have accepted and the bonds that could have been forged. And I am constantly looking for ways to correct that excruciating error. Maybe I'm just too naive.
I meant to say "threat" rather than thread. Too much Ravelry, lol.
I am with you and am not watching - and would much rather knit a peace shawl.
As much as I would like to agree with Cindy, I don't think that was the case.
It baffles me why they chose Beijing, like you've said. I don't understand how or why it happened... it definitely shouldn't have!
I'm glad to hear (as several people have brought up to me over the past few days) that athletes are actually refusing to compete, and leaving the country due to the simple fact that they can't breathe properly. Hello! Clean air is sort of a must for all people, let alone COMPETING ATHLETES. Its just too bad that this could have been their big break, and they have to throw it away to stand up for their beliefs (and their health for that matter), and probably get nothing out of doing so.
It makes me all the more happy that vancouver was chosen for 2010 winter Olympics. Its such a beautiful and CLEAN place to be. I wish I could go!
I agree with you and your points are beautifully expressed. It is grotesque, indeed.
Thanks for the post and the thoughtful comments.I want my country back. Recently we were in Vancouver (yes, beautiful indeed)and the pourer at a winery, when she heard we were Americans and unhappy about our government, her reply was "I feel for you." That got me in the gut. I'm guilty of thinking of Canada as a northern USA. In one phrase she separated herself from our problems, sympathized and was very tactful as well. November can't come soon enough. I pray that my Dems get tougher.
The comment "I feel for you" would knock me flat, too.
Please please, let this country come to its senses.
I Love the peace shawl idea! it is so perfect for such an insane world.
I have always loved the Olympics and supported the athletes and all that they go through and sacrifice to get to the Olympics but this year I have been watching very little. It is a hard choice, I am so mad at China's leaders and the Olympic delegation but love the people who are caught in the middle and want to support them.
I so wish the worlds whacked politicians would take a time out until they can learn to play nice and respect each other.
I am so tired of violence. We really need some peace now.
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