03 March 2008

just ask

Some of the customers at Panera might be getting used to the giddy bunch of women who knit and spin there on Sunday afternoons, but even they must have wondered why one of them abandoned her spinning wheel, kicked off a shoe, and propped up her foot on the back of a chair. They must really have thought "uh oh" when a bespectacled woman with long grey hair bent over said foot, utterly enraptured.

The occasion? I asked if anyone had ever knit the Monkey socks from Knitty. How long did it take for LICraftgal to rip off a shoe and kick up her Monkey-clad foot? Three seconds? Five?

Damn nice sock, I must say! I'll definitely try it.

By the way, I took another quiz, Which Alice in Wonderland character are you? I'm the March Hare. (Always the rabbit. Always!)


Paula said...
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Paula said...

Those Monkey socks I keep seeing around the knitosphere do look like a lot of fun to make!

I scored as Alice 98%
Should I be worried?

Mistrmi said...

And the best thing is, no health code violation!!

Hooray for monkeys. And, of course, rabbits.

Bridget said...

The Monkey socks do look like fun!

I'm a March Hare, too.

Penny said...

monkeys are lots of fun, but be warned that they can be quite loose ... i knit the leg on 2.75mm, the heel on 2.5's and the foot on either 2.25 or 2.0's!!

Nana Sadie said...

I'm a Playing Card. Really?
(I haven't knit Monkey's yet)

Jennifer said...

All hail the monkey socks! It's a fun and easy pattern that makes lovely socks.

Larjmarj said...

Haven't made the monkey's myself but I hear good things about the pattern. Yeah...I have the yarn to make them..they're on my never ending list.

Anonymous said...

So...monkey socks are not socks used to make sock monkeys. Okay, got it...I think.

Anonymous said...

To own a pair of socks like this I would learn to knit myself.

Maven said...

I'm the dormouse:)

Carrie K said...

I wish I was close enough to join you all! It sounds marvelous.

I was almost the March Hare, if only I'd been more enamoured of tea than questions.

Unknown said...

I was Alice, with the March Hare as third. I don't understand - I'm really more March Hare :)

See you on Saturn, my snapdragon buddy:)!

Aunt Kathy said...

I was Alice too with the Door Mouse a close second.

I have Monkey socks on my list... maybe this month I'll actually get to them

SimplyMe said...

Roflmao....great word picture!

Yeah, monkey's are on my to do list as well.....Not exactly sure what I'm waiting on...maybe the perfect yarn, the perfect excuse, or everyone else to be done and sick of them. Who knows, but it's a great pattern that I have loved since the instant I saw the pattern on knitty!