(Thanks for reminding me, Bridget!)
Who is your favorite Male lead character? And why?
Call me perverse, but my favorite male lead character is Zooey, from Salinger's Franny and Zooey. He would have to be, since I have always thought of myself as Franny-esque, prone to existential breakdowns in awkward hidey-holes, seeking the mantra that will quiet my psychic swings, watching others devour with gusto while I sip my tea and nibble my toast, being the self-conscious outsider. Zooey is an egotistic bully, true, but his love for his sister is deep and true,and he knows that his dead brother is still the guru who can lead them out of the paralysis of their self-consciousness so they can follow their vocations. I always wished for a brother...
OK, I know this makes me part of the great unwashed, but I've never read this ... but now I think I would like it!
I haven't read this book either! Oops.
Oh heavens, my fave is Mr Darcy.
What the heck does that say about me?
My Goodness I read that book in school and loved it!
I always liked Zooey too! Even if he was a bit too egotistical.
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