One of mine, Anna, who gave me a beautiful stranded-work hat for Winter, also made a pair of mittens in stranded-work... (I'll spare you the mitten progress today. In fact, until I finish a mitten, I won't even mention the
Knitter's Therapy, my beloved LYS, is sponsoring contributions toward the annual St. Baldrick's Foundation hat project. I dropped by and picked up my yarn on Saturday. I was going to do a standard hat, really I was, but something in the yarn just didn't want to go there. Or something in me just didn't feel standard. (As if it ever does, that dratted something.)
Anyway, this is what I came up with. It's finished except for the decreasing on top, which will be light green, and some
So thank you, Anna, for introducing me to a technique that I thought would be out of reach forever. Another part of my past -- knitting cowardice -- gone!
I've begun to re-read The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield. I'd almost forgotten that I'd read it at al, but when I started it for the Ravelry Book Club, I remembered. My reaction in 2006 was odd. I don't think I was in a good frame of mind for it then. Maybe I am now. I'll let you know.
Why "initializing world"? That's the message that my screen displays when I click on the icon for Second Life. If I'm to follow the advice of today's writing prompt, I have to initialize each day. If Teabird Tigerpaw can face SL anew with each click of the icon, so can I.
The hat is beautiful! I'm so impressed that you just let it "happen" so to speak.
I have so far today cast on the same 252 stitches 4 times ...
I have also told myself that's it. I'll keep you posted. :-)
I think the hat is so cute, and even more beautiful that the pattern is a Teabird "original". You are so talented.
What a beautiful hat! Great job.
What an exceptionally beautiful hat. It's just perfect!
That hat is MARVELOUS. :-)
No pattern? Holy cow. It's beautiful.
Crazy, wacky, greeny lovelines:)!
Awesome hat!
I gave on second life.
I just can't figure out how to do anything there.
I am so computer illiterate.
*hangs head in html shame*
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