Here’s something for Valentine’s Day.
Have you ever fallen out of love with a favorite author? Was the last book you read by the author so bad, you broke up with them and haven’t read their work since? Could they ever lure you back?
Yes. I'm sure I'm not alone in looking back and thinking, did my taste desert me completely? How did I ever get through this... stuff?
Anne Rice. Oh, I loved Anne Rice. I loved the first 3 books about Lestat. I adored the first two Mayfair books. I thought, oh how lucky I am to be in love with a writer who is prolific in my own lifetime... and then...A few years on, I read more about the vampire and more about the witches, and I thought - oh my heavens, what the *^&?
I'm actually sorry that I went back to reading Anne Rice's books, because now even the ones I liked are spoilt for me. I know what's coming. In this case, foreshadowing is a Bad Thing. Could she lure me back? No. I can't go back.
I am out of love with Patricia Cornwell. I loved the Kay Scarpetta books and read each one with real enjoyment. But the last two or three have not been enjoyable. I don't know if she has changed, or the characters are different or maybe it's just me.
I loved Anne Rice's first 2 books, but have never read any others.
I guess I can add her to my lost love book list too! :)
I'm thinking they've changed. . .
Happy Valentines's Day!
Yes when I was in high school I think I was fully prepared to go to the dark side for Lestat. Not the movie lestat but the book one.
I really enjoyed the Vampire Chronicles but then it started getting....I don't know what.
ROFLMBO......actually no, because I'm always hoping that they are going to get back to what I fell in love with..... (john grisham, jk rowling - yep, it grew old and predictable, etc)
How sad! I've never read her books, but I do know she has quite a following.
So have you found a replacement writer for stories of that genre?
I had the same reaction to her and some other writers. Did I get jaded in my old age? Did they lose their touch? Oh well. Plenty more books out there.....
I only read this first two and loved those I'm not sure why I didn't carry on but now I'm quite glad.
I'm with you on Anne Rice. I'm wracking my brains for someone else....
Oh my word, yes. Mercedes Lackey? Absolutely. So many authors, really, though I don't know how much of that is me growing as a reader vs. writer getting popular and churning out more books with less care.
I suspect a little of both sometimes.
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