08 November 2006


A quote: "Resentment is like drinking poison and then hoping it will kill your enemies" - Nelson Mandela.

A truly great book title: The Glass Books of the Dream Eaters.

A Moleskine cozy:

And Rumsfeld is gone gone gone!!


Becky said...

That's a cute cozy. And yeah! Finally, he's gone!

Paula said...

I love that cozy!
Great quote by the way!
I too am glad Rumsfeld is gone.

Anonymous said...

I was happier yesterday than I have been in a long time!

Carrie K said...

That's a great quote for the first, and I can scarely believe the last statement. Dare I hope that means that Pres Bush might actually rethink some of his decisions?

Pooch said...

Fantastic Mandela quote! Thanks for posting it. Such an eloquent man! (Notice my phrase about eloquence rather than using a complete sentence? Eloquent, I'm not!)

As for Rumsfeld....it's about time!!


kathy said...

After the mid-term elections, I felt better than I have in years. I didn't realize how lousy I felt or the reason why I felt so lousy!!!

When I heard the news (R. is gone, gone, gone), I was ecstatic. Just over two more years of hell to go through and maybe they will all be gone, gone, gone. Today I heard Bolton will be gone, gone, gone. Things are certainly looking up.

Too bad Sandra Day O'Connor couldn't hang on a few years longer. It's dreadful to think of the lifetime appointments at the SC.