07 November 2006

A new reading challenge

book challenge

A new reading challenge!! Check out The Incredible Growing List for inspiration... (Yes, I joined.)

I'll post reviews on Tea Reads.


Jennifer said...

Ah, if I could only manage to read that many books. My bookcase does qualify.

Anonymous said...

hmmm... tempting... i might just do it

Paula said...

Hey I was looking for a Winter Challenge!
Thanks for finding that.
I just signed up.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your comments about Orlando. Mrs. Dalloway is my favorite book, and I have wanted to read more of her work (besides To the Lighthouse and Room of One's Own). The movie version of Orlando was great!

Carrie K said...

Me too. It's incentive, I hope.

Darn, my libary finally got Frankenstein in for me and they're closed until Saturday! Grrr.

gfh said...

Hey, I thought it was time I checked out your blog - I'm on the FTS challenge as well:)