Or, give a goat.
A new children's book arrived this afternoon, and I just had to share. Give a Goat by Jan West Schrock is the story of a teacher whose fifth-grade children are inspired to reach out to needy children by donating a goat through Heifer International.
Maybe it's a little early to start thinking about winter holiday gifts, but it's never too early to share a gift of tikkun olam - healing the world - by giving a flock of geese, a milk menagerie, a goat - or a beehive!
I think I want to be a librarian, you find the greatest books
Oh my gosh!! I need to check that out! Thanks for the tip! What a great gift.
My parents gave us a goat (through Heifer Intl). Great gift!
How tremendous; a book about H.I.! Thanks for letting us know.
You reminded me of an old post of my own:
and re-reading it brought bitter-sweet tears to my eyes
Thank You
I think this year's gift will be a beehive since the bees seem to love my home enough to keep building nests
yep I am doing the beehive this year!
We need more bees in the world.
Heiffer International is one of my favorite charities!
Great book :)! I'll be giving some beehives - we do need more bees.
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