I haven't been doing too many swaps lately, but I couldn't resist one on Ravelry, and I must show you what Darbyrose sent me. In addition to beautiful yarn, she sent me the book I've been dying to read, and the cutest bell ever -- a bunny bell! Thank you, Darbyrose!

I also promised to show you a f.o.
This is the "seamless baby kimono" I knitted for baby Narjis. I used heart-shaped buttons instead of the ties in the original pattern, and KnitPicks Shine Sport in Crocus. (Note the quotation marks around "seamless baby kimono." Narjis is not, as far as I know, a seamless baby.)(Edited: thanks, Carrie. Narjis is, indeed, seamless.)

I'm reading my pre-pub copy of The Lace Reader by Brunonia Barry. Turn on your speakers when you visit the website. Then run out and get the book. It's amazing.
How cute!
Narjis has seams?
What a nicely pink post!
That kimono is adorable, and I like the idea of the buttons.
I love the kimono... and a bunny bell, what a find
"not seamless"!? Good thing Carrie let you know the baby doesn't have seams. I love baby knits. Even though I know they grow so fast, they're so darn cute. I think it's a survival mechanism on the baby's part.
The kimono is so cute and it matches the socks that I am making for her. ;-)
The bunny bell is beautiful! Congratulations.
Baby knitting IS so much fun. Your gifts are precious.
that yarn is so gorgeous!!!! the bell is cute, and the book looks neat!
Cute sweater! And how I love that yarn, mmm. Love love.
Oh *smacks hand to head*
I must finish baby Narjis knitting!
Please let me know how you like the the red leather diary.
Love the bunny bell!
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