27 February 2008

thoughts on the 236th Democratic debate and (Not) Wordless Wednesday

What's that? There haven't been 236 Democratic candidate debates? Only 20? Impossible. I absolutely DENOUNCE your math. Oh wait, should I RENOUNCE it? Or maybe DECRY it? Or DISPARAGE?

I know -- I'll put the WHAMMY on it.

(For heaven's sake. I don't think That Woman would have been satisfied unless Senator Obama had said he wanted Farrakhan to be eaten by a chupacabra.)
And what was with that whining about being asked the first question in a debate? If you're asked the first question, you get to set the tone. It's a Good Thing.

The debate wasn't a total waste of time. I swatched several lace patterns and had a nice cup of tea to soothe my sore throat.

(Not) Wordless Wednesday


Paula said...

I missed the debate!
My husband did say it was scary though.

Khadijha Caitlin said...

"For heaven's sake. I don't think That Woman would have been satisfied unless Senator Obama had said he wanted Farrakhan to be eaten by a chupacabra" ~ That is the funniest thing I have ever read! WOW the mental image....

Andree said...

I heard Ellen Goodman and Geraldine Fitzgerald on NPR yesterday about these problems and I have to say that I agree with them: we still are not ready for a woman to be president. What a disappointment for me, who has waited a lifetime for this moment.

Tea sounds very soothing right now. My WW is here. Thank you.

SimplyMe said...

Okay, I just snorted coffee...too funny!!!!

I'm living in a town that would die before voting republican and is having a hell of a time choosing between a black man and a white woman. Okay, but then again, I do live in the same town as that teen arrested for driving republican. (ie his ron paul poster was obstructing his view - everyone must have their 15 min of yahoo fame, I guess)

However, I am going to memorize and repeat your sentence endlessly! It's gonna be fun. Thanks!

Carrie K said...

Oh no! I missed the 236th debate? Darn. I am hearing a lot of the commentary. I can hardly wait to hear the accolades that'll be coming from whoever doesn't get the nom.

Will Pillage For Yarn said...

I missed the debate. But I gotta tell ya, watching Hillary and Obama, and how they're dealing with this neck and neck post-Super Tuesday stressfest of primaries and OMG, WHOOOOO will get the last few precious delegates?

My money is on Obama.

I mean, it was before, anyway? But Hillary is rapidly becoming the LAST person I'd vote for.

Oh heck, that's untrue. I mean, I'd vote for Hillary before I'd vote for McCain or Huckabee or Nader? But I wouldn't be happy to vote for her.