05 February 2008

look over there!

I wish I could stay home today, drink tea, and knit. (Isn't that what I always wish?) Alas, I can't, since I have to work, but I do feel restless...

I've found more silent poetry in my wanderings...
ancient Celtic poetry with Crazy Lanea, Ralph Waldo Emerson with MoonRani at Tea Reads, Robert Frost with Paula at Bassett Knitter, William Carlos Willilams with Jennifer at Craftylilly, and Phyllis McGinley with Bridget at The Ravell'd Sleave.

I also found a new idea for tea that I'd love to try: MoonRani's vanilla-almond-cherry tea. (Has anyone tried the honey she describes? It sounds very, very wonderful.) She also has a nice diversion in yesterday's post, and musings on peanuts here. (Sorry, I can't join you for peanuts. Allergic, you know.)

(Oh, I do wish I were home.)


Jennifer said...

Oh dear, a peanut allergy? That allergy can be so dangerous. And peanuts are so hard to avoid.

TrampledbyGeese said...

Ah, a day at home drinking tea. That's exactly what I wish I had today. Here's to dreaming of tea.

Bridget said...

Alas, I'm not able to stay home today, either. Misery does love company ... ;-)

Larjmarj said...

Damn J-O-B

Always getting in the way of things.

Aunt Kathy said...

No staying home for me either, worked the polls. 11 hours and only 164 voters came in, long day.

I could use that tea right now for sure.

Paula said...

I hate working, it really interferes with my knitting and tea times.

I love the other poems too!
We need more silent poetry readings!

and tea too!
I am going to make Moon Rani's tea.
It sounds good.