29 January 2008

You make my day!

Thank you, Sallee! You make mine, too!

Now I get to name 10 bloggers who make my day.
Only 10?
Oh dear.
Here goes...

Amy - Live, learn, knit
Anna - KnitWrite
Bridget - The Ravell'd Sleave
Khadijha Caitlin - Crescent Knits
Kim - Handeye Crafts
Maven - Fiber Pr*n
Nonizamboni - Peacock Blue
Paula - Bassett Knitter
Penny - Penguin Girl
Roggey - Dog lovin' knitter

(Only 10? One of these days, I'll just put up the link to my Bloglines and let you all have at it.)

Each of the winners is supposed to give the award to 10 others...


amy said...

Thank you! Right back atchya! :-)

Paula said...

Hey Thank you!
I was just getting ready to nominate you!
:) Your blog always cheers me up and makes me smile!

Aunt Kathy said...

I had a hard time choosing 10 when I did mine yesterday I wanted to list them all too.

nonizamboni said...

You are too kind, Melanie. Many thanks! I always check to see what you're up to when I'm on line and never come away without something to smile about and/or think more about.

Maven said...

Yeah... what amy said... right back atcha!:)

Thanks for the boost:)

Donna Lee said...

The cool thing about this is, I get to find new blogs to read and enjoy.

Carrie K said...


Nana Sadie said...

Hee hee! I love doing this sort of thing!

Jeanne said...

Congrats! Always hard to pick just 10....

Larjmarj said...

It is hard to pick only 10 isn't it?