Here's what I said a couple of weeks ago, on KTC, about my Moll project:
I'm almost finished with a Potato Chip scarf out of Moda Dea sock yarn in the crayon colorway. Why potato chips? Certainly not because I enjoyed Moll. (Bet you can't eat just one. WRONG.) I just thought it represented her life: lots of twists and turns, lots of colors (not all of them pretty) -- with a bind-off that will take nearly as long as reading the book.
Voila! Potato Chip scarf, modeled by Aunt Sophie:

Moll did do needlework - that was her original ambition. It was harder then to make an actual living at it. Although you'd think it'd be easier, what with her children being dropped off on doorsteps.
Oh, I meant to say that Moll would have liked it for the needlework but I'm w/KSD, her world view was What's It Worth To You?
I agree I think Moll would have liked it if it could have been sold. Aunt Sophie looks so pretty with her new scarf.
Amanda :)
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